We are approaching the wrap up of another very successful Rotary Year here in District 5870 CENTRAL TEXAS! As you and your clubs are reviewing your many many accomplishments…. We wanted to check in and provide a few helpful links and directions for the completion of the 2021-2022 SuperStar Challenge!  
District Public Image SuperStar Challenge 
The Flyer, resources to complete and SUBMISSION LINKS can be found here:
The Current District Results can be found here:
Level 4 & 5 require that you are logged into your MyRotary Account at my.rotary.org
Requires username and password… can be easily reset if you do not remember your password.
Because of the extra step of being logged in we wanted to provide a bit of additional direction for these 2 Levels! 
Step 1 - Go to the LEARNING CENTER listed under the Tab "Learning & Reference"
Then select Public Relations and look for course on People of Action (15min course)… select “enroll now” and it will launch the course.
Step 2 - Go to the BRAND Center listed under the Manage Tab.
Look for the People of Action section and select Learn More, then select the type of template you’d like to create. 
You can use the People of Action Photo Editor.
ONCE you have created your People of Action Image.. post it to one of your social media pages and upload your image through the submission links found on the SuperStar Challenge Page!
From the MYRotary Home Page… under the Take Action Tab look for “Develop Projects” hover over that tab and a new menu will appear and select ROTARY SHOWCASE!
Add 2 of your Club’s Projects and COPY the URL at the top of the submitted project page….  to submit using the Level 5 Submission found on the SuperStar Challenge Page. 
WE ARE HERE TO HELP… please feel free to reach out to Amber or Patrick or Pam!!