District 5870 Keyway

District 5870 Keyway
PDG Jerry Chapman RC Cedar Park-Leander
Email: jwchap@yahoo.com R: 512-257-0618 C: 512-657-9085
Vice President
DG Jim Henry RC Northwest Austin
Email: jhenry45@austin.rr.com R: 512-335-3472 C: 512-497-4984
PDG Bruce Golden RC Austin-North by Northeast
Email: brucegolden1@gmail.com C: 512-940-5480
DGE Rick Stacy RC Marble Falls
Email: rstacy@rstacy1951.com R: 830-798-8464 C: 830-613-8863
PDG Hanspeter Tobler RC Northwest Austin
Email: hanspeter@outlook.com R: 512-257-9611 C: 512-659-9361
PDG Suresh Pahwa RC E-Club 5870
Email: sureshp69@hotmail.com R: 512-458-8855 C: 512-567-8855
The District 5870 Keyway is an IRS recognized 501(c)3 non-profit corporation established in 2005 to provide a means by which interested parties may contribute support to Club and District projects.
The District 5870 Keyway is available to support club projects in the following way:
1. Make application to the corporation President defining a specific project. Note: A copy of the application form can be downloaded from the Files section of this webpage.
2. Obtain approval from the Keyway board for the project.
3. Collect the contributions, bundle them, and remit to the Keyway Treasurer in at most two batches. All checks must be made out to District 5870 Keyway, Inc. No cash will be accepted.
4. You may request payment from the District 5870 Keyway as follows:
a. Interim payment: One interim request for payment is permitted per project. This payment requires the submission of documentation substantiating expenditures totaling a minimum of 50% of the project total.
b. Final payment: When the project is completed, submit a request for payment for the remaining expenditures including documentation that substantiates these expenditures.
Please note that the District 5870 Keyway is not available to (1) simply run money through, (2) collect and hold funds for an unspecified project, or (3) fund scholarships.