

District Designated Funds (DDF)

Your gift to the Annual Fund helps Rotary and Rotaract clubs take action today to create positive change in communities close to home and around the world. Your contributions help us strengthen peace efforts, fight disease, provide clean water and sanitation, save mothers and children, support education, grow local economies, and protect the environment.

Annual Fund - SHARE

Through the SHARE system, contributions to The Rotary Foundation are transformed into grants that fund local and international humanitarian projects, scholarships, vocational training teams, and more. At the end of every Rotary year, contributions directed to the Annual Fund-SHARE from all the clubs in the district are divided between the World Fund and the District Designated Fund (DDF), after 5% is deducted for operating expenses.

Through the SHARE system:

  • Rotarians share their resources with fellow Rotarians.
  • The Trustees share decision-making responsibilities with the districts.
  • Rotarians share Rotary's mission and impact with the world through the Rotary Foundation.

At the end of three years, the district can use our DDF to pay for the club and/or district projects that we collectively choose to support and may use up to half of their DDF to fund district grants. The remaining DDF may be used for global grants or donated to PolioPlus, Rotary Peace Centers, or another district in support of any of these. 

District 5870 takes a unique approach to allocating district funds to ensure that all clubs have the opportunity to benefit from the funds returned to the district. Traditionally, the maximum allowable District Designated Funds (DDF) are allocated toward district grants. These funds support District Assisted Program (DAP) Grants, Vocational or Career & Technical Education Scholarships (CTES), and special projects. All district clubs are eligible to apply for DAP Grants and CTE Scholarships, provided they meet the club qualification requirements necessary to receive DAP Grant, CTES, or global grant funding. The remaining DDF is allocated for global grants, global grant scholarships, and a $20,000 contribution to Polio Plus.


How it Works