Early Act First Knight happenings around the district.
Dawson Elementary Austin is having their last EAFK ceremony today with Lady Charnell on the trail of perseverance.  The character program is sponsored by Rotary Club of Austin and South Austin
Hart Elementary celebrated their last EAFK knighting ceremony with Lady Charnell. This character program is sponsored by Northwest Rotary and North X Northeast Rotary.
We celebrated the trait of respect today at Pecan Springs Early Prep in Austin as part of the EAFK character program with Sir Cass and sponsored by Cosmopolitan Rotary , University Area Rotary , E-club Rotary  and the Rotary club of Austin  who were all represented  at this event. We also had a special knighting today for a teacher who has taught at Pecan Sorings for 35 years in a music and is retiring this year, Ms. Osborne.. What a grand event. Thanks Ms. Osborne for your dedication and enjoy your retirement. 🍎
5150/ 5166 Dawson Elementary EAFK Service Club Austin, Texas presented at the Rotary Club of Austin meeting about the projects they did during the year and why they enjoyed being in the service club.
5159 Pecan Springs EAFK Service club Austin, Texas presented at the Rotary Club of Austin meeting about why they enjoyed the service club and what projects they did during the year. The students of this school led the meeting through the welcome, pledges, thought for the day and the four way test.
All of the students love the knights and the knighting ceremonies. They also live daily by the four way test and the ten traits of EAFK.