Grant Management Training

District 5870 offers two versions of the GMTS:

GMTS Renewal Training 
Club members who completed GMTS training last year (Spring of 2024) are eligible to attend the 1-hour renewal training. Grant Management Training is an annual requirement, so if the member did not complete training in 2024, they must attend the GMTS Training class. Please view the list of eligible attendees below to confirm that you are eligible to attend the 1-hour refresher.

Members Eligible to Take the 1-Hour Refresher Training - 2024-25

GMTS Training 

Club members who have never completed GMTS, or who have lapsed a year in their certification, must attend the Grant Management Training Seminar (GMTS).
Attendance by the club President Elect and one additional member is MANDATORY for participant in any Rotary Foundation grant program.  See grant procedures for list of club qualification requirements to be grant eligible.

           GMTS Club Qualification 2024-25 (to date) 

Dates for Training

District 5870 offers the following opportunities for club members to attend GMTS and fulfill this TRF requirement for their club’s participation in grant programs during the upcoming Rotary Year. All 1- hour Zoom sessions start at 8AM followed by a 3-hour session starting at 9AM.  

Must register in advance, to receive Zoom link for these meetings

January 11, 2025 - 

  • GMTS Renewal Session  8AM-9AM
    • Must register In advance
  • GMTS Session  9AM-12PM 
    • Must register In advance
*After registering, you will receive a confirmation email. Zoom link will be sent a few days before the event.

February 8, 2025 -

GMTS Renewal Session  8AM-9AM

  • Must register In advance
  • GMTS Session  9AM-12PM 
    • Must register In advance
*After registering, you will receive a confirmation email. Zoom link will be sent a few days before the event.

March 2, 2025

  • GMTS Session - held at Lone Star PETS

April 5, 2025 

  • GMTS Renewal Session - held at District Assembly

April 19, 2025

  • GMTS Renewal Session  8AM-9AM
    • Must register In advance
  • GMTS Session  9AM-12PM 
    • Must register In advance
*After registering, you will receive a confirmation email. Zoom link will be sent a few days before the event.

Contact Ellen Hunt with questions -